Original Date: January 31, 2023
Following the talk between Gabeba Baderoon and Awino Okech in which they pondered on what Gabeba named “Feminist Anger,” alluding to what takes place when feminists disagree with one another, our first dialogue for 2023 continues the subject of feminist care. Gabeba Baderoon, Zinhle ka’Nobuhluluse, and Rebecca Rwakabuzo led the second part of the dialogue, recorded 31 January 2023. A recurring element in this discussion is that actions of care are often subjective and cannot be dictated. Thinking about and acting with care is a continuous process that requires regular reflection and open dialogue with oneself and others.
About Gabeba Baderoon

Gabeba Baderoon received a PhD in English from the University of Cape Town. She is a poet and scholar, and an Associate professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, African Studies and Comparative Literature at Penn State, where she co-directs the African Feminist Initiative. She is the 2023 recipient of the Sarah Baartman Senior Fellowship at the San and Khoi Centre at the University of Cape Town.
About Zinhle ka’Nobuhlaluse

Zinhle ka’Nobuhlaluse (formally known as Nompumelelo Zinhle Manzini), born in South Africa, is a dual-title Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Penn State. She specializes in Critical philosophy of race, Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, and African Philosophy. She completed her MPhil in Philosophy at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) as a Mandela Rhodes Scholar. She has published texts on African Philosophy at the intersections of personhood, gender, ability and queer alterity. Her research has been published in the Journal of World Philosophies, Critical Philosophy of Race, South African Journal of Philosophy and AGENDA. She is also a certified 200-hr. Yoga instructor.
About Rebecca Rwakabuzo

Rebecca Rwakabukoza is a Ph.D. History student at Northwestern University where she is studying the history of reproductive health practice in Western Uganda. She is part of the research team of Wulira! a podcast that re-members women’s contribution, experiences, and scholarship in the Uganda story.