AFIAfrican Feminist Initiative


Submitting an Essay to an Academic Journal

Submitting an Essay to an Academic Journal

Original Date: November 19, 2021

About Dr. Louise Green

Louise Green

Louise Green is an associate professor of English at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. She is interested in critical theory, studies in modernity and globalization. and tracing the elusive, mobile, and diverse formations of value in late capitalist society. Her research proposes Africa as an important site for a philosophical engagement with the universalising impulse that marks contemporary narratives of environmental crisis.

About Gabeba Baderoon

Gabeba Baderoon received a PhD in English from the University of Cape Town. She is a poet and scholar, and an Associate professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, African Studies and Comparative Literature at Penn State, where she co-directs the African Feminist Initiative. She is the 2023 recipient of the Sarah Baartman Senior Fellowship at the San and Khoi Centre at the University of Cape Town.